If you experience training stagnation, the level of strength does not increase and you do not see any further effects in the development of muscle tissue, know that the time has come to introduce changes. There are many options. Maybe you are practicing too much or unwise (effective work is the most important thing!). Maybe you do not have enough time to regenerate (this is a much underrated element of training!). It is also possible that the time spent in the gym is not fully used (training intensity is too low!). Let's focus on the last item presented, because in this article I will discuss techniques of training intensification like superseries and combined series.

Exercise intensification methods are many. You can increase the weight, the number of series or reps, shorten break times, extend the time of muscle tightening and much more. But what are superseries? It is a training method based on the execution of one series on a given muscle, and then passing immediately (without a break) to perform the series on the antagonistic muscle (opposite, with the reverse function). Only after doing such a superseries there is a moment to rest. A good example will be a series of exercises for bending the forearms with the barbell (engaged muscle - biceps, function - bending the elbow joint) and then the transition to straightening the forearms using the upper lift (engaged muscle - triceps, which is an antagonist, opposite to biceps; straightening the elbow joint).
Other examples of superseries:

What are the effects of using superseries?
First of all, it allows you to break the training plate. It increases the intensity which is a kind of shock therapy for muscles and causes more damage to the muscle fibers, which can then build up during the regeneration period. This leads to increased muscle hypertrophy. Due to the lack of breaks, we can increase the "density" of the workout, that is, do more exercises in less time.
Connected series & superseries

Connected series are notoriously confused at the gym with superseries. It's something completely different, what is the difference between them? The combined series, as opposed to the previously discussed superseries, is performed for one muscle batch. It consists in performing one series of one exercise for a specific muscle, and then proceeding immediately to the second exercise for the same muscle part. An example is the execution of a series of dumbbells press on the chest (engaged muscle - pectoralis major), and then a series of dumbbells flys (engaged muscle in this case is also pectoralis major).
Other examples of combined series:

This combination gives the effect of an extraordinary "muscle pump" (pumping blood into the muscles). Concentration of more blood in one place for a long time also causes an increased supply of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles which translates later into increased hypertrophy during the regeneration period.
I gave you a tool, now the rest is dependent on you. Will you use this training technique and be able to skillfully implement it in your training plan? Let me know in the comment you have ideas for the superseries and connected series!