Nutrition and supplementation in strength training

You already have a great training plan. You do not lose motivation even for a moment. You conscientiously work out every training at the gym. You are kind of satisfied with the effects, but not quite. What can you still improve? – you are constantly bothering about this question. Today, we will talk about how to “tweak” our effects by focusing on meals and supplementation around training, more strictly before and after training and during it.

Impact of hypothyroidism on training effects

Thyroid plays a very important role in the body and is often called the “queen of metabolism” for a reason. Abnormal functioning of the thyroid gland often caused by poorly selected training, as well as a deficient diet can have a significant negative impact on sports performance.

Overtraining – symptoms and consequences

You spend most of your time in the gym, you use long aerobic units, you have hundreds of hours of training behind you, and yet the effects are not exactly what you expected. In order to achieve the desired figure, you additionally use a reducing diet for a long time. Discouraged by the lack of satisfactory changes, you are constantly reducing your caloric supply, and you still do not see the dream form in the mirror. If any of these problems concern you, you should definitely read this article!

What is muscle memory?

Probably you’ve often wondered what will happen to your hard-earned muscles when there is an unexpected break from training – resulting from the plethora of duties, trip or injury. Does our body can make up for losses faster after returning to the training regime? Will we regain lost muscles much faster than you can build your muscles in the first place?

Bodybuilding and crossfit – two separate words?

Is it possible to love and combine these two sports at the same time? Can they complement each other? Maybe they are two separate worlds, which training philosophies contradict each other? Answers to these questions can be found in the article below.

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