Mobility – a necessity or a waste of time?

With age, people often lose the ability to move freely. Presenting the concept of mobility should make you aware, dear readers, that this is an important issue in everyday life, and its lack can lead to many dysfunctions of the human system of movement.

How to improve the functioning of the brain quickly and effectively?

Everyone would like his brain to work at full speed. Greater efficiency at work, better memory and concentration, less time devoted to achieving the set goals – these are very desirable issues. However, few people know how to make the brain work more efficiently and effectively. Below are the simplest, and the best methods to support the work of the brain.

Coffe and its importance in the life of an athlete

Every morning, millions of people start their day with a cup of coffee. It is one of the most popular drinks on the globe. By the way, this is one of the drinks around which many myths circulate. But are they truthful?

No Pain No Gain – does it really work?

Many gym-goers are repeating the words “No Pain No Gain” as a mantra – referring to their training. Believing that pain means progress, they train hard despite the feeling of discomfort.

Dark side of liquid calories

An adult person should drink 2-3 liters of liquids on average per day. In the case of athletes and physically active people, this amount is increased. However, not many people treat taken fluids as an additional source of energy.

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