“Core” – do you care for postural muscles?

By Core we define the postural (tonic) muscles of our body. These are muscles with a predominance of red fibers called slow-twitch. They are denoted by ST (slow-twitch). These fibers are characterized by a greater oxidative potential, which is associated with greater resistance to fatigue and the ability to work longer. Daily work at the desk in a closed position or browsing content on your smartphone constantly is not conducive to postural muscles. How to take care of them? The answer can be found in the following article.

Is training on an unstable ground suitable for me?

Training on an unstable ground is getting more and more popular. What do they really give us theoretical exercises focused on the use of “prioprioception”, i.e. deep feeling of our muscles and control over the center of gravity? They are to improve our stability and balance, which are to translate into a general improvement of the sports form, but will this kind of training really have an impact on it? The answer can be found in the following article

Split training – the most popular training program in the gym

SPLIT is the name of one of the most popular gym training strategies. In the fit-community there is a belief that if you do not do split training then you must be beginner. This is not entirely true. Like any training philosophy, this one also has its pros and cons. In this article, I will try to present them clearly. I will teach you how to create your own plans and I will prepare ready-made schemes.

Overtraining – symptoms and consequences

You spend most of your time in the gym, you use long aerobic units, you have hundreds of hours of training behind you, and yet the effects are not exactly what you expected. In order to achieve the desired figure, you additionally use a reducing diet for a long time. Discouraged by the lack of satisfactory changes, you are constantly reducing your caloric supply, and you still do not see the dream form in the mirror. If any of these problems concern you, you should definitely read this article!

What is muscle memory?

Probably you’ve often wondered what will happen to your hard-earned muscles when there is an unexpected break from training – resulting from the plethora of duties, trip or injury. Does our body can make up for losses faster after returning to the training regime? Will we regain lost muscles much faster than you can build your muscles in the first place?

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