Insulin resistance in sporstmen

The number of people with insulin resistance in the world is constantly increasing, which is particularly evident in highly developed countries. This increase is correlated with the increasing part of the population affected by obesity. Is physical activity indicated for people with reduced sensitivity of body tissues to insulin? The answer to this question, as well as tips and recommendations related to supporting the treatment of this condition you will find in the article below.

How do you read product labels?

The labels of food products apart from the attractive appearance that attracts consumers also present an important informative value. On each package you will find the composition of the product and tables of nutritional values. The article below presents information on how to correctly interpret the data on the label.

Cellulite, where does it come from and how to fight it?

Cellulite is a condition with multifactorial background that more or less affects the vast majority of adult women. This article discusses the basis of the problem, as well as the practical aspects related to planning activities aimed at reducing the visibility of this change.

Everything you need to know about fiber

Scientific research clearly demonstrates the health-promoting effect of dietary fiber on the body. What exactly is fiber and where can we find it? What are the differences between soluble and insoluble fiber? What role does it play in our diet and what is it responsible for? Answers to the above questions are presented in the following article.

Carbohydrate or protein-fat breakfasts?

Breakfast has long been presented as “the most important meal of the day”. At present, two trends have been created in terms of breakfast. The first recognizes the consumption of the protein-fat meals. The other, however, allows the addition of carbohydrates. The choice should be made depending on our needs. Which meal type is right for you and how are they different?

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